It is worth acknowledging that the problem of increasing potency constantly worries many men - both in adulthood and sometimes in young years. There can be many reasons for this. For example, chronic fatigue, nervous disorders, physical trauma and others. It is worth noting that in most cases the representatives of the stronger sex use artificial medicines like the famous pill.
But, unfortunately, drugs often have side effects, and their frequent use can only lead to new complications. However, do not worry. There are many natural ways to increase strength, which will quickly help you return to its previous form without the use of medication and any medical intervention. To learn more about this, read on.

1. Eat well
As you well know, a nutritious and balanced diet is the basis for the health of our whole body. And this rule, of course, is valid in the case of working erectile function. First of all, pay attention to the presence in your diet of a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits.
Food is one such food that contains the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals that are vital to our body. Special attention should be paid to vitamins C, E, B, as well as the minerals zinc and selenium. All of these substances are found in large quantities in carrots, legumes, nuts, honey, onions, garlic and eggs. In addition, it is also important to pay attention to the availability of sufficient animal protein and carbohydrates.
2. Physical activity
Of course, the presence of a sufficient amount of physical activity has a major impact on our health. Ideally, you should go to the gym 2-3 times a week, do regular jogging in the morning or enroll in the martial arts section. But you can start at least with the usual morning exercises and gradually increase your stress level. Regular exercise is very helpful in raising the level of testosterone in the blood, which is the main male hormone responsible for sexual desire.
There are also special exercises to increase strength. For example, "bridge", "plug", "butterfly", running in place, and different types of meetings. Fortunately, on the net you will find many detailed video tutorials on this topic. But here the ways to increase power have just begun.

3. Losing excess weight
Overweight is one of the main enemies of good potency. Excess weight contributes very seriously to the reduction of the already known hormone testosterone. Moreover, with an increase in fat mass in a man's body, the amount of female sex hormones (estrogens) also increases, i. e. , both in appearance and behavior, a man becomes more like a woman. In addition, being overweight not only negatively affects sexual drive, but also significantly increases the risk of many diseases, and also lowers the protective properties of the immune system.
So if your waist exceeds 92-94 cm, then this is already a clear sign of overweight and unbalanced diet. Fortunately, thanks to the first two recommendations, you already know how to fix this.
4. Bad habits
Of course, addictions such as drinking alcohol, smoking and using drugs also have a very negative effect on your strength, not to mention harming the whole organism as a whole. You can be sure that simply giving up such habits can already fix most of your intimate problems and regain your "combat readiness". As you can see, the ways to increase potential are very different.
5. Sleep and the nervous system
As you know, for a complete recovery after the worries of the day, our body needs at least 8-9 hours of healthy sleep. It is advisable during this important process not to be distracted by any light source or unpleasant sounds, i. e. darkness and silence are necessary.

It is also important to note the detrimental effect of unnecessary worries, anxieties and stress. Sexual performance and lust are significantly impaired when the human nervous system is exposed to great stress. So it is conceived by nature itself, so that the fertilization process takes place in the most comfortable and safe conditions.
As you can see, all of these are very simple and fairly simple to perform methods of increasing potency, which, however, have a huge impact on your reproductive system. Try to start adhering to these recommendations in the near future, and then not only will your strength improve, but the health of the whole body as a whole will improve.